Deskgram megort
Deskgram megort

It’s critical to think about who’s more likely to reply to a direct message and be strategic with your outreach. Those accounts will range anywhere from a few hundred followers to influencers with millions. To get the most out of hashtags on an Instagram Post or Story, use the search bar to find the top and most recent posts with that hashtag. By doing this, not only is your content seen beyond your network, but you can also find other influencers or like-minded individuals. It’s in your best interest to include hashtags to gain more relevant followers and incite engagement.

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On each post, you can include thirty hashtags. Hashtags are the holy grail for Instagram discovery. Helping each other share high-quality original content is just an added bonus.” It’s fantastic to find a great group of diverse personalities that share common ground.


You can do this with Instagram Pods, where users will post a link to the content that they want to be liked and commented on - with the hopes that the post will go to the top of the feed and reach a larger audience.ĭee Nuncio of Mod Op is part of an Instagram Pod comprised of female social media marketing entrepreneurs, “To me, Instagram pods are an excellent example of a social platform really “being” social. This means it is key for your post to get as many likes and comments as soon as possible. You can also join a group chat - otherwise known as Instagram Pods - where there are up to fifteen like-minded accounts that want to game the Instagram “algorithmic timeline.” Instagram now uses an algorithm to produce a specialized, curated feed that highlights posts based on the likelihood that you'll interact with the content instead of the order in which it is posted. This innocuous form of communication can lead to new business, strategic partnerships or influencer-driven content creation.ĭirect messages are not the only way to start 1:1 relationships. This way, when you bring up a partnership, they’ll trust that you’ve taken the time to align with their brand. You can also get a feel for how they communicate from their copy and emoji use, so try and mirror that writing in the direct message itself. For example, if you are connecting with a fashion influencer mention how you enjoy watching their holiday fashion videos or the #ootd (outfit of the day) posts on their feed. It’s imperative that when you do send a direct message, you have original, non-generic copy that highlights that you’ve taken time to research the person’s style and feed.

Deskgram megort