Pecunia betekenis
Pecunia betekenis

pecunia betekenis

– And I could have had a ton of boys in those days. – He was tons better than most guys his age. – a ton of documents ended up somehow being lost.

pecunia betekenis

Russia’s economy is based largely on oil and gas, of which they have a ton. Voorbeelden figuurlijke betekenis (AmE) a ton (of), tons (of): (AmE, figuurlijk) a ton (of), tons, tons of* = (BrE) a load of, loads (of)* = (IntE) a lot of, lots of, lots = (Ned) een heleboel, massa (BrE, snelheid) a ton = 100 (“he was doing a ton” = “he was driving 100 miles/hour”) McDonald, The Lonely Silver Rain, chapter 15)

pecunia betekenis

(…) an estimated one hundred metric tons coming in each year (…). – the authorities had recovered an estimated seven hundred kilos, or three quarters of a long ton, of pure cocaine. The metric ton is one thousand kilograms and is officially spelled ’tonne’ in GB.” In the US, the ’ton’ is the ‘short ton’ (two thousand pounds). “The ’ton’ in GB is the ‘long ton’ (two thousand forty pounds). The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English (3e editie, 2009) geeft de volgende Usage Note: Britse verkeersborden vermelden het maximaal toelaatbare gewicht van bijv. Sinds de Weights and Measures Act van 1985 is de Britse (long) ton vervangen door de (metric) ton ne. Tonne = metric ton ne (= de metrische ton = 1000 kg) in BrE vóór 1985 ook wel gespeld als metric ton. (AmE) ton = short ton (= 2000 American pounds = ± 907,2 kg) ook in Canada. (BrE) ton = long ton (= 2240 British pounds = ± 1016 kg ) chamber maid: (BrE) kamermeisje in hotel (AmE) werkster, huishoudster “The debt ceiling gimmick has been postponed, and perhaps shelved, by Republican leaders who see the handwriting on the wall.” ( Time Magazine, Feb. (Philip Roth, The Plot Against America, chapter 6)Įen synoniem van (AmE) table in de betekenis van “op de lange baan schuiven” / “afstellen” (in plaats van “uitstellen”) is (IntE) “ shelve“: – When my mother (…) suggested (…) that Hyman Resnick, our local rabbi, should be invited to attend the meeting, nobody else among the organizers (…) showed much enthusiasm for the idea and, after a deferential few minutes of discussion (…), my mother’s proposal was tabled. – We’ll table the issue for now until we know more. Ta ble it till then?” (Michael Crichton, Disclosure, Arrow Books, p. – The Senate is voting to table the amendment into perpetuity.


2020, subtitle to a live broadcast of the impeachment trial of Donald Trump) = to shoot/kill/reject the amendment – Senate is voting to table the amendment (CNN, 21 Jan. Wood’s motion = Ik stel voor om de motie op te schorten (uit de film ‘Lincoln’ met Daniel Day-Lewis, 2012) Voorbeeld (AmE) table = opschorten, afstellen: – The women had tried to table the motion of women suffrage (BBC programma over het vrouwenkiesrecht, gepresenteerd door Amanda Vickerie, 4 febr. Voorbeeld (BrE) table = ter tafel brengen table: (BrE) ter tafel brengen / (AmE) afstellen, opschorten, op de lange baan schuiven (= shelve*) maar (BrE) lay on the table = tot onbepaalde datum uitstellen (Zie ook Fowler’s Modern English Usage, 2004) straightforward = eerlijk in BrE ook: eenvoudig, simpelĢ.

Pecunia betekenis